// Sunday Travel Trivia
Located a few hundred meters from the Clock Tower (the one I had earlier posted about) the Toorji Step Well was built in the 1740s by Maharaja Abhaya Singh’s Queen.
Submerged and full of debris for nearly a century, its recent drainage, clean-up and restoration has uncovered over two hundred feet of hand carved treasure in Jodhpur’s famous Rose-Red Sand-Stone; intricate carvings of dancing elephants, medieval lion and cow water-spouts, and niches housing deities long gone.
Interestingly, the Rajput Queen who funded the well hailed from Patan in Gujarat, home to one of the finest Step Wells in the country.
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And if you want to know all about the Goan tradition of jumping into wells, click this link:
Do you have any tales of jumping into wells to share???